Leap and the Net Will Appear - Part 2

As you may recall, last week I shared about my visit to Tammi in LA, where we not only set her up physically, electronically and emotionally to move forward with MOMENTUM, but we got her right to the “edge” of CHANGING THE TRAJECTORY OF THE COURSE OF HER LIFE!

After 33 years as an Emmy-Award-winning TV Producer, Tammi decided to take a step back from her successful career, take the leap, and pursue her passion as a Camp Director of Campowerment. Like me, Tammi has always been obsessed with Camp, and now she’s found a way for us to relive the joy of our youth, and a twist designed to inspire every single woman smart enough to show up!

Campowerment is not only a sleepaway camp where grown women come to disconnect, chill, and reignite their flame, but also offers Corporate experiences to empower your teammates, colleagues, and employees of your company. How do you get them to meaningfully connect with your mission and one another?  Carve out space for them to ditch the suit for sweatpants, to laugh a little, talk a bunch, learn, play, be, and check out, all at the same time in the same place, without distraction. Because everyone wants a reason to care, and caring people go bigger.

And speaking of caring people going bigger, that’s exactly what Tammi did! Took the leap to truly live in alignment with who she is in the world — a woman for others who are seeking to find themselves, or just reignite who they already know they are, but have been too busy “doing” them instead of “being” them. Pride for her tenacity is an understatement — humbled to have had the experience I did with this woman, and certain that all of us, when ready to “choose” over “want”, can take the leap to live the life of their dreams.

Someone once told me that the reason why my feet are so rough on the bottom is that I always land on them. Check the bottom of your feet out people, I’m beginning to believe them, whoever it was!

Check out Campowerment , check out their video below, and reach out to me if you want more info.

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