What I Love About Me, the Sequel

It was about a 1 1/2 years ago when I wrote the first blog titled That’s What I Love About Me. And in the spirit of February being the “Love” month, I’ve decided to share the sequel.

The original blog talks about an experience I had in the hair salon as I was drying my hair following my every three-week hair dye appointment. Yup, every three weeks, I’d venture to my girl Mae who would make that grey zipper on the top of my head (and everywhere) disappear. Three weeks like clockwork. And if I was traveling, I’d have to do the schedule shuffle to make sure it was done before I left for a speaking gig. The only thing that stressed me out more than those greys peeking out of my thick dark head of hair was the pull to get there before they “peeked.” My hair . . . the part of me that whenever anyone asked me what the favorite part of my body was, I never had to think twice. My hair. Thick, bouncy, and a feature I always had confidence in. But it was sort of running my life!

What I “loved about me” back then was not only my hair, but the fact that I could wash, dry, style, and be out of there in 30 minutes. I had it down. As I do most things. I just get to it and get going. It’s a mixture of how I’m wired, and honestly just MY JAM. And so, I wrote about the feeling of verbalizing out loud exactly what I loved about me — something I had not done often, if ever. It was not only cathartic to express those feelings but opened up a bigger conversation with myself over the years about self-love. About appreciation and gratitude for all of me. Exactly the way I am, and how I was meant to be.

Here are the lessons I learned that day:

  • It’s okay to love yourself for EVERY REASON, not just one
  • Verbalizing it actually makes it more real which makes you more real
  • Don’t wait until you’re my age to love yourself for any reason — self-esteem is the key to a confident, fulfilling, empowered life and something you should have the luxury of experiencing as soon as possible
  • Getting myself together and out the door in 30 minutes is not only a routine I enjoy, it allows me to jump-start my day with optimism, energy, and excitement.

So fast forward to today. Another a-ha moment of “What I love about me” is that I’m finally ready. Ready to ditch the dying, let my grey (or salt and pepper) hair grow out in all its splendor and glory. And in doing so, I had to chop it all off and start all over. Now I’m not saying I loved having to do that, but due to my hair starting to fall out because of all the over-processing, I had no choice. So now, I’m just letting it grow with no process, no dye, no schedule shuffling, and no stress. (And maybe no patience, but’s that’s another blog theme we’ll leave for later!) And just imagine how long it takes me now to get ready and out the door! No hairdryer, no brush, just a little product and voila!

So, I ask . . . What do you Love About You? Are you willing to say it out loud? Because I’m here to say that when you can focus on those things that you love about you, the gratitude, appreciation, and energy you foster exponentially spreads across not only more of you, but to those around you.

And while I’ll enjoy the short hair while it lasts, I can’t wait for my long pepper and salt locks to grow back. Patience, my love, patience.

The post What I Love About Me, the Sequel appeared first on Wendy Ellin.

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